We specialize in investing in a meticulously selected portfolio of innovative digital currency ventures, spanning blockchain infrastructure, decentralized finance, artificial intelligence, web3 gaming, in-game assets, nodes, NFTs, and more.
Our portfolio reflects the commitment of our management, board, and advisory board, which consists of highly experienced entrepreneurs and business professionals with proven track records in various industries. Together, we’ve nurtured startups that have evolved into industry leaders.
Join us on a journey of exploration and inspiration as we showcase the startups that define the future. From cutting-edge technology to disruptive solutions, our portfolio is a testament to the power of strategic investment and partnership. Discover the stories, achievements, and boundless potential of the startups we’ve had the privilege to support.
An interoperability protocol that connects blockchains (50+ and counting), allowing developers to build seamless omnichain applications, tokens, and experiences.Â